17 March 2012


Hiya folks! A couple of my beadie buddies over on Facebook have run into some roughish times, so we're having an auction!! You can find the album here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.251962458228206&type=1

And here's an example of what you might see: 


And of course, you know that there are several occasions coming up, right?  I mean, there's Easter (who wants chocolate when you can have BLING!! lol!) and there's Momma's Day (and momma always deserves a pretty!) And I don't know about you, but I have several birthdays happening in the coming months.  And who knows?  Maybe you're that person and you're already shopping for Christmas!  Or, maybe you're like me, and you're just shopping for yourself... :)  Either way, why not take a look, make a bid, and score some fantabulous jewelry (and other things) and help out some really awesome folks?

Have fun!!     

15 March 2012

Bead Porn!!!

So, March is my birthday month....  :)  and as such, I decided I wanted beads.  So... Beads. I. Got... LOL!!

Okay, here's where you can get your own bead porn:
More details later on what I do with all these lovely baubles!! I have all sorts of ideas!  :)

Oh, and keep in mind, these are all one of kind artisan beads.  So you're not going to find another exactly like them.  And really, why would you want to?  When these folks are so talented and are constantly making new, different, and even more awesome things!  :)