So, I've been a bit out of the loop crafty-wise lately, although I've actually been making a lot of stuff. I participated in Brave Girl Soul Restoration (I'm actually enrolled in that again now, since I wasn't able to finish) and I'm taking Christy Tomlinson's She Art Workshop (she's so cool). So, I've been playing with stuff, but its more in the toddling-around-from-thing-to-thing manner than in the concerted let's-really-go-for-it manner.... But at the moment, it's working for me.
Of course, I've also been frantically grading papers and trying to stay on top of all the school stuff, while also reading and re-reading tons of Brit Lit texts, and creating PowerPoints and lectures and stuff for them. THAT's been fun! But there's really been no jewelry making this year, because, you know, 8 classes!! (What was I thinkin'...)
So it was really nice when I saw I'd been included in an Artfire Collection put together by Intentional Stones. Now I can't wait to get back to jewelry making! Eventually.... (thank goodness summer starts soon... fewer classes!!)
So take a look! Some great pieces!!
Thanks for reading!